活動サイエンスカフェキッズサイエンス里山整備 プレーパーク研究自然観察会 連携活動記録アクセス スタッフリンク

The Project of

“A Promise Between The Sea and The Sky”


This picture book is listed in the recommended books of the United Nations Decade of Biodiversity Japan Committee (UNDB-J).


International Exchange Project

   The picture book was originally written in Japanese by Mr. Nishitani.  After a while, the story was translated into English through the cooperation of Mr. Matsuda, Ms. W.Wong and Ms. Macchio.

    The project aims to spread the picture book in overseas countries.  They need your cooperation on translating into other languages and telling the story to kids.

    Translated languages:  English, Indonesian, Khmer(Cambodian), Vietnamese, Korean, Mandarin, German, Portuguese, Spanish and Tagalog(Philippine)


    Under translation:  Malaysian, Russian and French.


    Think Globally, Act Locally!

     Find us on Facebook.

This is “Kamishibai performance (a picture story show)”.  Students of Hyogo University are giving a reading of “A Promise Between The Sea and The Sky” to kids at Satoyama Garden on 13 April 2013.

  Harima Satoyama Laboratory supports the project of “A Promise Between The Sea and The Sky (PSS)”. 

   The members of the project are dedicated to the advancement of environmental education through their activities using this picture book and its companion “Kamishibai” performance, which is a Japanese traditional way of story telling using illustrated cards based this book.

  They regularly perform Kamishibai and actively participate in environmental study nature observation sessions.

    Whether you are an individual or a company or an organization, they welcome and value the participation of anyone who would like to support their purpose worldwide.

    Let’s protect our beautiful Earth together!

The project representative Mr. Hiroshi Nishitani

Ms. Emi Okawa, staff of JICA, is giving a reading of the story to kids in Indonesia, 2013.

An interview with the author, Mr. Nishitani. The subtitle is available in English.

A story of the project appeared in the Kobe Shinbun on Oct 30, 2013.





Story by Mr. Hiroshi Nishitani

Illustrated by Ms. Aya Arimura

Translated by Mr. Satoshi Matsuda

Edited by Ms. Noriko W. Wong and Ms. Cathy Macchio


アジア言語対訳リーフレット完成がしました(中国語、韓国語、インドネシア語、ベトナム語、クメール語)The leaflet of Asian translation (Mandarin, Korean, Indonesian, Vietnamese and Khmer) has been published.